I'm currently working with a mother and baby (6 mo.s old). Mom called me when
baby was 3 mo.s old. Baby (girl) gained very slowly if at all until mother
started using supplementer after 6wk. checkup when baby had not regained
birthweight. It's not clear to me where the problems came from - insuffient
knowledge of lactation management? Hormone imbalance in mother?
Nipple-confused baby?
Anyway, the baby is now six months old, not on any solids, still nursing, will
nurse w/o the supplementer several times/day; mom supplements w/supplementer
2-4 oz formula 4-5 times/day.
Does anyone have any experience with long-term supplementer use - strategies to
remove necessity for supplementer - whatever? Feel free to e-mail me directly.
(My husband teaches at The Citadel, and one perk is e-mail addresses/access for
spuosal units).
Beth Hilleke
2425 Spring Garden St.
Charleston, SC 29414-5535
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