I have never weighed a 9 5/8" super, but I have
weighed the extracted honey from several 6 5/8"
supers and they range from 30 to 35 lbs with
most around the 33 lb weight. ( These are 10
frame supers). Given that the 9 5/8" super is
roughly half again as big, it should weigh about
50 lbs.
Ian Watson [log in to unmask]
real estate agent baritone gardener
beekeeper---> 11 colonies
>What does a super weigh that has 10 frames,
>and is 9-5/8" and is full of capped honey?
>How much of the weight is honey?
>How about a 10 frame 6-5/8" super,and a 10 frame 5-3/4" super,
>( this is called a 5-11/16" super in some catalogs.)
>How much of this weight is honey?