Hi John/All
John - you mention you need to get rid of some AHB in a hive, but
don't want to lose the combs.
I would do the following: - go to the hive at night, tape up all
little cracks etc including the entrance. Then drill a hole into the
box large enough to put a hose into. Connect the hose to your car
exhaust and then just leave your car running for an hour.
This kills the bees - not it is not Carbon monoxide that kills the
bees as is the case with humans and exhaust fumes - the bees just
suffocate from lack of oxygen.
If you have a big car it won't work because the fumes are too hot.
Keep well
Garth Cambray Camdini Apiaries
15 Park Road
Grahamstown Apis mellifera capensis
6139 South Africa
Time = Honey