Dear Tere,
I have several instructions for making cremes with beeswax with
different ingredients. I'll give you one proof method in the following
lines to get a skin food creme.
Important is to remark that it is without any preservatives, so you have
to keep it cool for about 4-5 weeks.
5 g camomile
5 g marigold
5 g Saint John's wort
1 teaspoon of liquid honey (acacia)
10 g beeswax
20 ml almond oil
10 ml wheat-germ oil
Give the chopped up herbs to 40ml (1 cup) of boiling water. Let the
water with the herbs cool down for a short time and filter it then. Put
the honey into that warm tea extract.
Melt the beeswax in a vessel in a bain-marie. Mix the almond and
wheat-germ oil
and give it to the beeswax. Let it cool down while you stirr the mixture
all the time to about 35 0C. Add the honey-herbs-extract while you
continue stirring until the creme becomes cold.
Teresa Garcma schrieb:
> Hello,
> Anybody knows how to make beauty cream using beeswax? Preferably an
> easy, fool proof method?
> Thank you!!
> Tere