Thanks to the many responders about my book inquirey
it lets me know my postings are going to the group.The silence
about any controversial subjects is hard to understand . The
U.S.honeybee is in deep trouble and the U.S.D.A. should
be held responsible. I can not see how we can count on the native
bees to pollinate our crops and expect the robust crop production for us to
continue enjoying some of the higest quaility and most affordable
food prices on earth. United we could stand again and I hope we
get together soon and demand the changes that are needed to
start the American honeybee recovery program that is needed
So long for now Walter
Walter & Elisabeth Patton, 27-703 A Ka' ie'ie Rd., Papaikou HI.,96781
Ph./Fax. 808-964-5401 E-Mail hihoney@ilhawaii
Beekeeper and Bed & Breakfast Owner in Hawaii