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Allen Dick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 23:22:07 -0600
text/plain (44 lines)
> My sympathies Allen,
>                             I realize what a job 800 swarms sounds
> like.(And I grouse about 4-5!) My for what its worth,I always
> directly release the queens when installing and so far (knock on
> wood) have had no problems with swarming. I have installed in the
> morning, afternoon & evening and in cool cloudy weather, warm sunny
> weather, & lots in between.My humble opinion is it perhaps DID have
> something to do with the packing & shipping distance.Perhaps the
> bees were disoriented and simply decided to get some exercise before
> setting up shop.Anyway good luck with this batch, sounds as though
> they have a personality all their own.
Yeah, Mike.  I really did't know what hit me, but it sure was a sick
feeling.  I just about threw up (excuse me, my sensitive friends)
when I saw what had happened.  However soon my sense of humour
returned and I started to appreciate this $57,870 joke. (Ha ha).(Good
thing it was only Canadian dollars).
Actually when the dust settled, I guess only 5 or 6 queens went out,
but they drew quite few friends from the neighbouring hives!  After
we equalise, I think the loss will only be $2,500 or so.
Funny thing was that when I work these bees, I find that for so many
hives, the bees are calm and normal, then I hit a bunch in  a row
that are hot, agressive, and show hostility to their queens (and me).
I can only conclude that the bees came from two different stocks, and
that they were bundled in groups in the shipment.  But then CO2 does
funny things to bees.  I understand it de-programs them.
As always when working with bees, I am mystified and humbled.  It is
a privilege to serve them and try to learn their many ways.
Thanks for assuring me that this is abnormal and I'm not losing my
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
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