I have a friend that has given me his old hives and a couple of supers =
full of honey. He has kept the honey in a refrigerator since last =
winter when found that his bees were dead. The wax in the Brood chamber =
is black. He says the bees just froze due to a cold winter. He did not =
wrap the hive. They did not starve (one full super of honey). =20
How can I check or have it check for diseases before I put the honey on =
one of my hives that needs feeding. I have gotten three swarms in the =
last week. Yes I know I need to read the chapter on swarm prevention. =
I have checked two hives that have no brood. There are about ten queen =
cells in each hive. In one a the queen has emerged and I think I saw =
her in the hive. How long does it take a newly emerged queen to begin =
laying? =20
What causes black wax in supers?
Cullin Hall
402 N. Holland St.
Dallas, NC 28034
(704) 922-6953
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