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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Walter Patton <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Mar 1996 06:48:35 -1000
Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
To Bee Friends
         Well first of all I can see I must be faithful to quick responding
lest I get so far behind I give up, and the people who share my concerns and
perspective would be dis-appointed. Some others would be happy .
         To the people who responded with support directly to me and  not
the list I understand that the bee world is a small world and thats OK in
some ways at least there are fewer places to hide. Thanks to you secret
admirers who did send some encouraging word and some words of caution. Can I
reall be DROPPED from the bee-l list for my opinions ?  Who pulls the plug ?
Do you really think the powers that be would actually "GET" me if my ideas
hit to close to home. Well I know my feelings are pure and without motives
except to ignite the fire that maybe required to get some action going on
the honeybee problems facing Americas food producers with decling honeybees
as pollinator.I don't have anything to sell or anything to gain and I am
convinced I am on an important mission.
          TO L Conner   Excuse my emotions and after all the smoke and
mirrors I have encountered during the last several years that I have had my
mission I do sometimes resort to emotions and I totally agree that facts are
what we need in the future dealings with the honeybee problems facing the
citizens of the United States of America.   I also agree that much more
research and a lot more researchers are needed to solve the virus and mite
        One reader suggested that bee-l is not  apolitical forum and that my
slurs about about some people will turn away some who might otherwise
support me. Well folks now is not the time to worry too much about political
correctness as this as been part of the problem too long. We have had very
few facts and little research and LOTS of polittical correctness. Hell
everybody seems afraid to speak out and be heard. Plenty of examples will
follow .
        Roy  your right we would ALL like to hear from the USDA about what
they are doing and I doubt if we will hear very much.  AND I know that there
are a lot of truly dedicated researchers working at the USDA and they are
for the most part like most of us afraid to speak out. Good jobs are hard to
come by . The leadership of bee work in the USDA must be credited with this
situation where everyone is afraid to speak put and after working with the
ruthless leadership I Know why they are afraid to speak out.
       Mr van Westendorp  I have spent hours and tons of long distance calls
finding out what I could about the issues that I speak and my findings are
very disturbing. I know the NZ beekeepers have lots & lots of end of season
bees for sale and they work hard at selling them . Too many trails I have
traveled leave too much to be desired in the issue of increased movement of
bees around the world . Re; D Anderson  work the facts exists that without
peer review   research can be done and documented without total objectivity
and with too much senstivity to the clients needs. Honey bee issues are too
crtical for comments like
"Kashmir being a relativly harmless bee virus" are far too simple for such a
thorny problem. Dr M Winston wrote a super article regarding the need for
peer review.About Dr . Shimanuke holiday (6wks) several years ago regarding
bee research it was a holiday. I have had several conversations with the
Shimanuke and he did zero research on NZ bees save and except "OBSERVING"
some "Nice .gentle , little bees..." Give me a break . He has left the
American Beekeeper uninformed about NZ bees . He did not one test on the NZ
bees by his own account. I have asked him for results of his research in NZ
and he has none.. I will some times have to crawl up on my soapbox in hopes
that some one will notice. The feelings of impotence and hoplessness felt by
most when dealing with GOVERENMENTS is hard to overcome ,and I will work
hard to keep the focus on the issues.
        I must sign off for now as it is 6;45 am here in paradise and the
sun is shining and about 70 degrees. I will respond to the reportin errors
corrected by Wallingford in my next posting . Hoping some will be moved to
Walter & Elisabeth Patton,  27-703 A Ka' ie'ie Rd., Papaikou HI.,96781
    Ph./Fax. 808-964-5401       E-Mail  hihoney@ilhawaii
Beekeeper and Bed  & Breakfast Owner in Hawaii