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Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology


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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
David De Jong <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 14 Mar 1996 10:16:48 -0400
Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
V Congeso Ibero Latinoamericano de Apicultura - II Foro Expo-Comercial
Fifth Ibero-Latin American Beekeeping Congress and Second
Commercial Exposition and Forum (Apiculture)
This congress will include speakers and participants from much of Latin
America, as well as from Spain.
It will be held May 30 - June 2, 1996 in Mercedes, Uruguay, at the
Club Remeros.
The official languages will be Spanish and Portuguese.  There will
be simultaneous translations of the talks given in other languages.
For additional information and to send abstracts of papers, all
communication should be with the Congress secretary:
Secretaria Geral do V Congresso Latinoiberoamericano
Florida 1408 Escritorio 704
Montevideo, URUGUAY
Telephone 5982-916658
Fax 5982-916662
Internet: [log in to unmask]
For instructions on how to prepare abstracts, and/or full papers
 send a request via reply, or to:
David De Jong - [log in to unmask]
I can also send information concerning hotels.
Abstracts and papers
need to be sent via fax, with the original via airmail
to the Congress secretary by April 15, 1996
Registration is US$ 70 until March 30, 1996
and $85 until April 30.
After this date the cost is US$ 100
Accompanying persons pay US$ 50 (all dates)
Checks should be written out to  Central Apicola Cooperativa
Definitely do not send money.
In fact the mail service to and from Uruguay is slow, so it is probably
safer for those outside Uruguay and Brazil to pay at the congress,
(suggestion of one of the organizers)
though it would be a good idea to make reservations for rooms before -
let me know if you would like more information about room and meals.
Registered participants can attend all conferences
and participate in the Commerical Forum
They also will get a copy of the Proceedings and can attend the
Closing ceremonies luncheon
For those living in Brazil, information and registration can be done
through    Ademilson E.E. Soares, Departamento de Genetica, Faculdade
de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP, 14.049-900 Ribeirao Preto, SP
Tel. 016-633 3035 ramal 395
Fax 016 633 0069
e-mail [log in to unmask]
Papers will be in the following categories:
1- Biology and Genetics
2- Tecnology, Equipment and Management
3- Bee Pathology
4- Bee Forage and Pollination
5- Apitherapy and products of the hive
6- Preparation and sale of bee products
A three member comission for each category will determine the
papers that will be presented orally vs. as posters.
Speakers include:
Tom Sanford - U. of Florida
Peter Rosenkranz - U. of Hohenheim, Germany
(others from Germany to confirm)
Gaetano Paltinieri - FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations)
Luis Cornejo - Argentina - expert in pollen and honey processing plants
Antonio Carlos Stort - Brazil
Regina Helena Nogueira Couto - Brazil
Warwick E. Kerr - Brazil
Lionel S. Goncalves - Brazil
Ademilson E.E. Soares - Brazil
David De Jong - Brazil
A representative of Apimondia
A representative of IBRA
Brenda Ball (invited)
Enrique Bedascarrasbure - University of Central Buenos Aires
Walter Fierro - Uruguay, doctor, expert in Apitherapy
Homero Toscano - Uruguay is Academic Coordenator.
Adolfo Molina Pardo, University of Colombia, Medillin
For those who would like to learn about beekeeping in Latin America,
this is the best way to get to know the people involved, techniques,
research that is being done, how the different countries work with
africanized bees, how hive products such as propolis and royal jelly
are harvested, processed and marketed (on a much larger scale than in
countries such as the USA), and many other interesting topics.
If you dont speak any Spanish or Portuguese, things will be harder to
follow, but there are lots of people who speak English, including
Professors, grad students and even some of the beekeepers.
These Congresses have both a scientific and a practical component.
translation and comments prepared March 14, 1996, by David De Jong