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Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
Andy Nachbaur <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 22:32:00 GMT
WILD BEE'S BBS (209) 826-8107 LOS BANOS, CA
Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (113 lines)
 >Subject:      Too much
Hi All,
A few rambling thoughts from a beekeeper. I don't want to see anyone
dropping this list and wish more would join it. I don't feel that I am
part of any special group then just being a beekeeper. I am proud that I
have been a beekeeper 40+ years and have supported myself doing so the
whole time. I read with the same interest the post for help from the new
beekeepers just as intently as I do from the few commercial beekeepers
and the academic or regulatory communities from every corner of the
world. A few year's back when I was more active in the US national
beekeeping organizations and the annual meeting became so large that the
talks would be split up, so presentations for the commercial beekeeper's
and some for the hobbyist were going on at the same time. I shocked my
own contemporaries by attending the hobbyist meeting's. I had nothing to
sell or any ax to grind, I just wanted to learn, I knew it all from the
prospective of a lifetime of commercial beekeeping. I don't regret one
minute of that time, none was wasted and I did learn much and I still
am. I am insulted that any would change this group because their mail
box is full or they don't like seeing the same question's asked over and
It seems that some of those who complain seem to have not wasted much
effort in answering some of these questions. If they would I would be
more then happy to add their answer's to my Beekeeping FA system that
other's with the same question could address as so many do now. I am
sure that Wild Bee's automated Beekeeping FA system is pumping out
as much e-mail as the total traffic to this list group saving much time
and effort for those who are so busy.
I have made repeated requests that some of you that are very gifted,
qualified and respected in many areas of interest to beekeeper's help by
adding or reworking some of the good but old and regional beekeeping
FAQ's, few have responded or even bothered to comment. For this I am
also disappointed. How busy we all are that some can not give about the
same effort in improving communication beekeeper to beekeeper but find
the time to..........well shall I politely say discourage new beekeepers
from learning from their experience.
I respond when I think I can add to the dialog, right or wrong.. I can
take the heat of the hate mail and cherish the Love letter's, and I get
plenty of both.
   Sorry to see so much contention between posters on the direction
this list should take or has taken. Leaving the group is not the answer,
leading it could bee, and I know some of you are gifted leader's in
your fields and you could do more here with a little extra effort.
   It is true the world of electronic communication has changed and
opened the door to many more then the privied few of a few years
past. I am one of those and I think this is good for all who have
interest in beekeeping and beekeeping in general and support it in every
way I can. Including making this B-List group and the other group
sci.agri.beekeeping available to anyone who can use a modem and
and afford to dial to Wild Bee's BBS at 209-826-8107. I keep 1000
messages on line ready to read or be downloaded and read off line from
each group. Few from the beekeeping academic or regulatory community
ever have called. I know and understand that it's not a free call and
some or most don't have modems to call outside lines, but don't believe
this is true of all.
   If this group suffer's from anything it is not enough post's from
the many talented people who are listed as readers, including those
from the academic and scientific community who in my humble opinion
should be extending their work to the public more not less for reason's
if they don't understand they will in the future when request's for
public monies fall on closed minds and deaf ears. The real political
force in the beekeeping world is not invested with the public agencies
or by commercial beekeepers, scientists, or regulators, it's the average
beekeeper who is asking those repetitive questions that will direct
the flow of public interest in the future and is doing so now. They
are here because better technology has open the door to them, and
they have every expectation that they can and will participate.
   I originally signed on to this list at my own personal expense as
the majority of the new public users in the expectation's of learning
more of what the academic, including government agencies's are doing..
I am not so naive to have thought that any of you were passing secret's
about unpublished work, but I did hope that more of you would be using
this group to post a lot more then what I have seen so far and to sound
out other's including the beekeeping novice on what should or could be
done in the future. Sadly I have been disappointed to date with those of
you that do have things to say or access to good public information but
have not bothered to post it.
   But I am not running away or quitting this list, I may get bumped
off but I will be back one way or another for good or bad. What I will
try as time and monies permit:
   When I see a question that is repetitive or beginning beekeeping I
will try to e-mail that person a copy of Wild Bee's Beekeeping FAQ list
and some will use it to request the information that some of you don't
want seen in this list. I won't be able to do them all but I can do
more. If I was a real ass I would just post the return Beekeeping FAQ's
here and you all could read it again and again.<BG>
For this I expect nothing, will accept nothing, but would like to see
more of you adding to the list as I know you could and THANK those
few who have without mention of their names but they are secure and
know who they are.
                        ttul Andy-
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 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ Wild Bee's BBS, a HONEY of a BBS (209) 826-8107