I tried something different to warm honey that has become
crystalized to some extent. Allowing for various preferences and those
who would not have honey heated....this is for those who will. I had put
up some honey in squeeze bear containers. I myself do not like to heat
honey< nor >do I like to waste it in the bottoms of squeeze bears.
This is for the hobby beekeeper. I used a large thermo-electric
Warmer/Cooler..the type you can plug in your vehicle. The unit maintains
a temp of approx 135-140F in the warming mode. I have held honey in the
unit for about 6 hours and then allow to cool at room temp. You can
purchase a power converter to operate this appliance with house current.
Simular devices must be available in other countries. The device that I
used was a Coleman unit and it will hold eighteen 24oz. bears.
Any ideas as to how long honey can be held at 140F without severe
deterioration in flavor? I noticed little change in flavor of the honey.
Mine still tastes better that a great deal of it off the store shelf. IMHO...
Regards, Maynard.
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