37thAnnual Meeting of the Western Apicultural Society (WAS), plus an International Workshop on Hive and Bee Monitoring, Saturday Short Coursesfor Beekeepers, and the Missoula Honey Harvest Festival; Sept 17-20, 2014; Missoula, MT, University of MT Campus
Please forward to bee clubs and anyone who might be interested, and able to come to Missoula. Encourage students from area colleges and universities to come (bee associations within driving distance of Missoula - please help get them to Missoula). We've speakers from as far away as New Zealand, Ireland, and Italy. We've a stellar group of presenters.
The AUGUST issue of the WesternApicultural Society Journal has been posted. It details the Conference to be held inMissoula, MT.
This will be the most comprehensiveset of speakers ever convened for a bee conference in Montana, probably the North Western part of the USA. It starts with an International Workshop onBee and Hive Monitoring on Sept 17 and a Panel Discussion at the end of the day on the Future off tools for Bee Management. This will be followed on Sept 18 by an international set of speakers and researchers presenting on beekeeping and research, with an end of the day Panel onCritical Research and Bee Management Issues. A Keynote talk on Friday will be all about the media, politics, theWhitehouse, and how this all has played out in terms of issues such as the neonicotinic pesticides. This talk will be followed by speakers coveringtopics ranging from managing bees in order to adjust for climate change, to Farm toCampus Programs that deliver produce to the University Campus and help promote Sustainable Agriculture, to bee friendly plants and honey marketing, to an overview of Critical Issues facing contemporary beekeepers by the Leadership ofboth of the US National Beekeeping Associations, as well as MT Beekeepers. Saturday morning from 8-11, we will have awide array of short courses and workshops for beekeepers and other interested parties ontopics ranging from wax art to queen rearing – we’re still adding topics tothese workshops. Saturday afternoon, therewill be the Missoula Honey Harvest Festival, with educational, family-orientedactivities, including educational and fun demonstrations such as hands on buildingof beehives, beekeeping in MT, and other related topics. Vendors will be selling honey and bee-relatedproducts at the Festival. If you want aTable, please contact the WAS President, Jerry Bromenshenk, [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
For more detailed information aboutthe Conference, Registration, and Hotels, please go to
http://ucanr.edu/sites/was2/WAS_Journal and either click on the Conference link in thevertical column http://ucanr.edu/sites/was2/Conference_Information/ or the digital version of the most recent copy of theJournal http://digitalwasjournal.advancedpublishing.com/Vizion5/viewer.aspx?id=15&pageId=1 The first address takes you to theWAS page at UC Davis. The 2ndis a short cut to Conference Information. The 3rd is an enhanced version of the Conference JournalNewsletter in a format that looks like a book and allows you to page through it.
A print version of the WAS Conference Journal isavailable if preferred but we encourage online viewing as much as is practicalto minimize journal costs. Let Fran Bachknow if you wish to join WAS and subscribe to the journal - your preference,please. If you experience problems readingor printing the Conference Journal issue, contact Fran at [log in to unmask] You can also reach her by phone at509-573-4245.
Fran Bach
WAS Journal Editor
[log in to unmask]
For International readers of Bee-L, Missoula is in the Rocky Mountains, and is a College/Forestry/ and Resort Town. It is about 90 minutes from the largest inland lake west of the Mississippi. It's about 2 hrs to Glacier National Park, 1/2 day to Yellowstone National Park.. The UM campus has been declared one of the most beautiful in the US. You can go fly fishing in the Clark Fork river just outside your room, if you book into the Doubletree Edgewood Inn by Hilton or the Holidy Inn Parkside. Fly fishing shops are just across the street.
I invite you to come to Missoula, take in the Conference and associated activities (you don't have to be a WAS member), and plan on staying a few extra days to enjoy western MT in the fall.
One warning: Missoula is the home of The University of Montana, the state's Liberal Arts College with over 14,000 students. I and the conference are not at (as you might expect) Montana State University, the Agricultural, Land Grant University, in Bozeman, MT. If you go to the wrong town, you will have a 200 mile (320 km) commute.
J.J. Bromenshenk
2014 WAS President
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