> Can anyone suggest a method of converting the crystallised honey in frames
> into a honey that can extracted. I have heard that the bees themselves
> will do the job if the frame is scratched/scoured with a knife then placed
> between combs of brood.
Yes, within reason. Moreover, we used to scratch them with a hive tool or
cappings scratcher and place them between empty combs and/or foundation in
the centre of the super immediately above the excluder. Three or so would
be replaced by liquid honey by the time we made our first pull. Did they
use it and replace it or just liquefy it? I don't know, but it always
worked if done early in the season. We sometimes did the same thing on the
second pull, too.
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James (1842-1910)
* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm *