>>You are cordially invited to visit Chile. I could arrange a great Technical Visit for you to see our food industry, specially vegs&fruts.
Thank your for the invitation. [I'd like to visit Chile and Argentina in the coming years...] I hope you were not offended by my remarks. Those Chilean strawberries were very tasty and may have been raised to strict standards. I am thinking that they may have been sprayed with some sort of preservative(s) to stay unspoiled during transit and when they sit days in unrefrigirated supermarkets for days. My garden-picked strawberries would not last that long.
>>Sandia: watermelon: Harina tostada: toasted wheat flour) and a "melon with white wine" cool in the river is a must over here after a long day in the bee yard!!!
Come mucho, caga forte y no temas a la morte !!!!
Mucho gusto. That's living to the fullest. :)
Barros J.
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