The last FAOstat figure of 2005 was that Argentina have close to
25.000 beeks with some 2.5 million colonies.
I believe the 4 million figure comes from a World Bank Report that
stated that in Argentina they COULD grow up to that amount of hives
without mayor changes in the way they operate.
They probably have at the present around 2 million colonies, because
they have had 3 bad years in a row. The decrease in production respond
more to an average decrease of production than to a lower amount of
Argentina have an historical average of 20- 25 kg/hive. The "record"
production of 2006/2007 of 100.000 tons respond to stock from
previous year (2006) and an average production in 2007.
Today, because of the high world price (2.24 US$/kg in argentina)
probably they do not have any stock left.
The "good" beeks report colonies in quite good health and with lots of
reserves. Cold weather already installed and nosema under control.
Because of bad access to credits, structural changes in their
pastures, bad weather, export tax (10% retention) and the like, our
argentinian colleagues are not having a pleasant time.
But I insist we will have to wait for next season to see what happens.
Juanse Barros J.
Carrera 695
Gorbea - CHILE
http://apiaraucania.blogspot.com/[log in to unmask]
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