Hey Roni,
I use 2 deep with 10 frame. I want the standard set-up. This is where your
brood is so why not have the maximum number of frames? Also, this maintains
the correct spacing for the bees. I'm in Ontario so this also gives me the
correct amount of honey for the winter. I mostly use excluders. On the
hives I don't, I let them fill the box with honey before I place another one
on top. The honey seems to keep the queen down. I still will get the
occasion drone along the bottom. I cut them out and let the bees clean it
up. Obviously, this won't do if you have any thing larger than 5 hives.
Very time consuming.
* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm *