I thought I'd share this story with you folks to lighten things up a bit.
-just finished a round of queen rearing and had good success using the jenter
From the mating nucs I had removed the hatched cells and the dozen queen
cells that hadn't
all still attached to those plastic cups.
I took them into my honey room which is spotless and placed the unopened
queen cells on the corian counter top.
That evening I opened one to see at what stage the dead queen was. My
intention was to open them all the next day .
The following morning they were gone.
I looked around totally bewildered thinking it's old timers disease hitting
me but and then I saw one behind the table on the floor.
There were mouse droppings there also.
The rest were gone.
I found I had forgotten to close the floor drain near the extractor .
I guess I'll find them one day at the bottom of the hill since it's down
hill drainage
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