> What about the lower colonies - do they need some top insulation
> or will the higher colony act as sufficient insulation and prevent
> moisture condensation below?
That's how I see it. The top colony acts as the inner cover
insulation for the bottom.
>[I will provide the lower colonies with some top ventilation into
>the higher colonies.]
I don't think the bottom colony should be vented into the bottom
colony. They don't need all that extra moisture. Rather, I place the
bottom colony's inner rim down and notch to the front...as an upper
entrance. Close the escape hole, and moisture goes out the upper
entrance. Then...add a second inner with the rim up and notch to the
rear. This acts as the upper colony's bottom board and bottom
entrance. I place a third inner on top of the top colony, rim down
and notch to the rear. Acts as the top colony's upper entrance. I
wrap the whole stack, keeping all the entrances open.
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