Bob & all,
Crappy Calif. hives, ya we have plenty of them. I think Bob, there are good and poor keepers all over. I don't think just because you're from Calif. that the hives are any better. I personally think the S Calif. Coast or Texas is some prime locations for wintering. But I do hear alot said about 10,000 hives or 15,000 hives managed. I used to put in over 3,000 in the almonds, I am now down to 2,000. I have scaled back because I was loosing control of the quality and some of the bees weren't worth taking on any longer. Who knows what this almond season will bring, I think it's anybody's guess.There is one thing I do know, integrity, honesty, and reputation go a long way in this business. I was stopped by six new growers this season in the almond fields while feeding, they wanted my bees for next year, I told them the price, it didn't seem to matter, we'll see here in a few months if they're still interested. By 2012 it is expected CA almond groves will need over 2.2 million hives, I think Joe Traynor is on the right track with one hive per acre at 8-10 frame colonies. As it stands right now there are not enough in the United States to fill this need. But the guys that are running those large numbers are the most susceptible to having wipe outs before the almonds. Only in certain cases is bigger better. Hopefully, Bob, we haven't worn out this subject as we all know there are other obstacles to overcome in this bee world.
Keith Jarrett
P.S. both editors, Joe Graham and Kim Flottum, I believe, will have some bee keeping and California perspectives in the coming months. So I look forward to your Bee-L letter after they come out. You will have to cut me some slack as I am a much better keeper than I am a writter.
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