Hi Chris
> I last used Fumidil about 25 years ago
Your lack of use of Fumidil is similar to mine although in my case
probably only twenty years have elapsed, the bees that were susceptible
to Nosema having been eliminated.
I can see there are possible differences between the Nosema Apis and the
Cerana version, which may mean that some bees are susceptible to Nosema
ceranae that are tolerant of Nosema Apis (and vice versa), but I reckon
that the situation can be brought to stability by the same method i.e..
not treating with Fumidil B and renewing comb regularly.
Regards & Best 73s, Dave Cushman, G8MZY
http://website.lineone.net/~dave.cushman or http://www.dave-cushman.net
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