"Roundup(tm). A wonderful herbicide that is as safe as Ivory Snow..... not
to even worry that getting bees drenched will hurt them...it will not!"
In performing a search of the bee-l archive (4 years back), I could only
find the above mentioned post relating to the use of Roundup at and around
hives for weed control.
Currently I have 8 hives immediately next to a small 2 acre plot of weeds
that are due to be sprayed with Roundup. Does anyone have any other
experiance they would care to share on using this chemical close to their
apiary? Roundup is in general use on soybean fields within foraging range
within our general area.
Is there an optimum time to spray? Eg, spraying at dusk while the bee's are
in the hive? Has anyone had proven bad experiances with Roundup? The comment
in the above referenced post says not to worry about getting bees drenched
with roundup. That is quite a statement if it is true.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Jason Apol ><>
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