Allen explained open feeding as used by the professinal beekeeper.
Right before winter sets in is a time when i might open feed.
Another is when I simply do not have the manpower available to feed each
hive and the bees need fed.
Problems with spring open feeding:
1. The weak hives need to cover brood and get very little of the feed.
2. The strong hives plug the brood nest with feed which cuts back brood
rearing and can cause the bees to hit the trees (swarm) !
3. Hive bodies full of syrup/honey make spring hive work very hard.
4. Syrup costs money and feeding four or five gallons to a hive allready
heavy with stores is wasted money.
5. you are feeding other beekeepers bees many times plus many other insects!
My partner is still harping about the money he says I owe him for syrup my
bees robbed from his open feeding barrels last spring.
I told him I had a talk with my bees before they arrived in the holding
area and told the bees to only take syrup from their own hive feeders and
leave his barrels alone!
1. quick and easy and saves man hours.
I prefer to heft and feed each hive a gallon at a time *if needed* in the
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