Dave's post about American hornets reminded me of a hornet nest under the
eve of our house when I lived in SC back in the 70's. Our parents were as
fascinated by it as we kids were. (or maybe their fascination rubbed off on us) The
hornets started the nest right between a double floodlight under the soffet.
We watched it grow and grow throughout the summer until it completely
encompassed both floodlights. Whenever we vacuumed upstairs in that room the hornets
would come out in droves and beat against the windows trying to get at us. You
could literally see the venom dripping down the window.
Eventually, my dad decided the nest must come down. He bought some
carbontetrachloride and gassed them with a garbage bag over the nest. Quite an
undertaking .
I frequently see bald-faced hornets here in KY. They cruise around the
porch and I've seen them on my garden shed door getting wood for their nests. It's
nice knowing they are around to control the caterpillars the birds don't get.
Thanks for letting me reminisce.
Luna Apiaries
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