Did everyone get a life? or is the LISTSERV down? I came home and there is
very little coming in from BEE-L. After a deluge, maybe this is a dry
spell? Not a bad thing, actually. But it is a puzzle why some days we get
more than we can read, and others... nada.
Anyhow, I got to thinking... What is the most important idea I learned on
BEE-L? There is no doubt that BEE-L has taught me a lot. I've spent almost
a decade here, and now I'm retiring from beekeeping. This weekend, if all
goes well, I will have zero (0) hives, for the first time in 30 years+. Of
course, next spring, I'll buy 200 (well maybe 300) or so packages and away I
go again, but for now...
I'd like to hear from others, but I'll go first.
The most important thing I learned -- IMO -- is that all beekeeping is
local. What I hear from others -- be they 20 miles, or a continent away --
may not apply to my situation, or it may. The important thing is that I
must make careful, independent, unbiased observations on my own, and only
then consider what others report.
That's mine. what's yours?
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