Chris (Who is a classic Mugwump, with his mug on one
side of the fence, and his wump on t'other.) said:
> After I reported my observations one or two other beekeepers (including
> Norman Carreck, a genuine scientist) took the trouble to look at their
> observation hives for the same behavior (ignored dancers) and found it.
> However, nobody said it was a well understood part of the process.
> Perhaps, Jim, you could elucidate to help our better understanding and
> enlightenment.
Heck, I don't claim any special insight or unique knowledge.
But there are a few possible reasons why a dancer might be ignored:
1) No foragers available. Lots of house bees to unload foragers,
but no actual "unemployed foragers" hanging around waiting for
a hot tip.
2) Information overload. Every forager is dancing, since the observation
hive is in a NEW LOCATION, and every find seems a "treasure trove".
At some point, the bees might start to ignore all but the dances with
the most over-the-top break-dancing. I have a hard time seeing a
bee dance clearly in real time. I have to video tape, and then
play it back in slow motion. Maybe others have better eyes than
mine, but I'd think that judging the relative "vigor" of one dance
versus another is difficult without slo-mo video instant-replay.
3) Not sweet enough. The forager is enthusiastic, but her nectar is
unimpressive. This SHOULD happen often, as the forager has found
a "good supply", but the food critics think "I've tasted much
sweeter from all the others". The forager lacks perspective by
definition. She cannot know if her load is a "winner" or not.
4) Too far away. The forager makes a long "waggle run", hundreds
of little bee feet pick up the vibration, and hundreds of
multi-faceted eyes roll towards the heavens as the assembled
crowd thinks "Who is SHE kidding?"
5) Elves?
6) Witchcraft?
7) US Attorney General John Ashcroft?
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