Rick asked:
A large commercial beekeeper recently said he uses settling tanks, sufficent
to hold a days honey harvest, instead of a filter system.
Most of us use settling tanks which helps but the honey is not ready for
market unless small bits of wax and the occassional bee leg in jars is ok!
. Do I simple pump the honey high over the top of the tank
and back through the bottom drain hole to get the honey into the tank?
Most of us pump into the top. A double baffle sump really helps cut down on
wax in a settling tank.
The longer you let the honey settle (and use of heat) the better the system
works. I had a friend which used only the method i suggested (with sump )but
when I would visit while he was bottling a table full of jars would always
be sitting waiting for him to remove specs ,etc. with a spoon!
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