>Do a search on google.com for aethina tumida and you will get at least 100
<hits. There is a lot of good information there.
gee why didn't I think of that. I'm a little dissappointed that this is the
sum of information to be had between both beekeeping newsgroups. I'll just
have to assume there are no southern east coast beekeepers in either of
them. I can read till my eyes pop out but I'd rather have some first hand
information from someone who has dealt and is dealing with the problem.
Furthermore it infuriates me when someone tells me or anyone else for that
matter to do an internet search to answer their questions. Its basically
assuming they're an idiot. Next time someone is at the doctor with third
degree burns or collasped lung should he suggest they search google.com to
find out what they should do next? I'm sure there's hundreds of articles on
the subject.
No offense intended but its my .02
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