Walter asks:
Has anyone on the list used Sucroside? Any comments?
I was part of the first testing by Dadant. Up to a 100% varroa control can
be had if carefully applied as per label. In other words all bees need
soaked three times at proper spacing.
The product is safe for the beekeeper, comb and honey. Although time
consuming I highly recommend the product for the hobby beekeeper! The
product is exactly what the hobby beekeeper has asked for.
We used the product in a commercial application to knock down varroa in
hives my partner bought as he wanted to super the hives for the honey flow
without waiting the two weeks ( waiting period before supers go on)if he had
used checkmite (plus treatment period) or waiting the treatment period for
apistan. Even one treatment can reduce varroa load and possibly put off
varroa treatment until after the main honey flow as in his case.
Bob Harrison
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