> It has been stated that colour of honey is paramount.
> I ask why?
Because most honey from Argentina would be considered a bakery grade (in my
humble opinion) but when mixed with water white Acacia from China you get a
wonderful looking honey for the shelf. Looks good but tastes weird. (in my
opinion). many times smells like was strained through dirty socks ( I am
having entirely too much fun with this post!)
The big packers always command the low price on the shelf. The low price
always sells the most honey. Many buyers think all honey is the same and
tastes like the blended honey. Only when they buy a bottle of real U.S.
Clover honey (unmixed) do their eyes open wide. The U.S. big packers have
sent me plenty of customers.
The big packers have fought regulations concerning single source honey and
origin on labels because single source honey makes their product seem
Ps. I love the big packers label.
"product of China, Argentina, USA, and several other countries"