Keith G. Benson posted a query to BEE-L regarding the availabliity or square
section comb honey supplies. I quickly shot back a direct response that
square section comb honey supplies are a standard offering in most catalogs,
but looking around I've been surprised to discover that square comb sections
are indeed not offered in some of the catalogs I was SURE would have them.
I apologize to Keith for my quick response.
I now wonder if the supply houses are dropping square comb sections (at
least the Basswood boxes, Hogg Half equipment is still listed) from their
offerings. Could it be that so few people product the square sections that
they are no longer cost effective for the suppliers? I have only checked
sites with online catalogs, I don't have the hard copy catalogs in my
office. I DID find basswood sections offered at:
but they're only offered at single prices (vs. cases of 100). I must admit
that I am quite surprized by this. I could speculate that the suppliers
have decided that wooden sections are going by the wayside. Could this be
so? Are we witnessing the end to an era?
Aaron Morris - thinking time marches on!