> Do all Aussie such epers have bee-tight supers?
Yes in the main. One things that clearer boards do is get your gear into
good condition.
> Or do some use big bags that pull down over the boxes to protect from
Haven' t seen any.
> Or do they tape all the cracks and holes?
An essential part of beekeeping equipment in our part of the world is a roll
of masking tape in the vehicle. Not sure if North Americans call it masking
tape. It is white sticky tape. Occasionally there are gaps but the masking
tape works well.
> The best ones IMO are the so-called Quebec boards. What type is used in
Our clearer boards have gaps in the four corners with the funnel type exit
underneath. These exits are about 4 inches long. The bees tend to move
towards the corners hence using the corners and not using the middle as some
escape boards in North America do.
Trevor Weatherhead