I forgot to mention the comprehensive article on blue orchard bees
that appeared in the 2002 July issue of THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL
(pages 501-503). (I guess I thought everyone had read it already.)
One can find therein a very complete description of those bees and
how to care for them.
You can also access the web site: www.loganbeelab.usu.edu for
more information.
Adrian M. Wenner (805) 963-8508 (home office phone)
967 Garcia Road [log in to unmask]
Santa Barbara, CA 93103 www.beesource.com/pov/wenner/index.htm
* "T'is the majority [...that] prevails. Assent, and you are sane
* Demur, you're straightway dangerous, and handled with a chain."
* Emily Dickinson, 1862