In the Sept. 2001 American Bee Journal, Steve Taber writes about wintering
bees referencing a study published in 1971 by the USDA "The thermology of
wintering honey bee colonies". The study compares an insulated hive against
a heated hive and an uninsulated check hive. The results may surprise many
beekeepers. The publication, he says, is long out of print. Arizona
beekeeper Dee Lusby provided a photo-copy of the study to a local beekeeper
here in south-central Alaska, Keith Malone. Keith scanned the pages and
posted it in 33 separate .jpg files on an internet discussion group. For
anyone interested, the files can be accessed at:
The files can be downloaded and printed from a word processing program. The
print quality isn't the greatest, but is certainly adequate enough to be
easily read.