Hello All
An exchange of posts occurred recently on the Irish Beekeeping Discussion
List. The main point being made by some contributors was that they had
doubts about the use of FGMO.
I sent the following reply.
>But surely the finest way to remove the doubts is to use FGMO.
>As far as I am concerned, I have been convinced by the experience of
beekeepers in the USA and Canada over a period of two years, that it works.
So I am using it. I suppose that I could spend the next 12 months arguing
the toss about it - but in my view that is just an utter waste of time.
>And if your hives are clean does it not make sense to keep them that way?
>I sure would prefer to put FGMO into my hives rather than a component of
sheep dip (flumethrin).
Tom Barrett