>>You said "feed a little" or implied you were only going to feed a jar
or so of sugar syrup.
Actually my exact words were: 'I expect to have to feed them syrup for a
while to let them build up properly.' What I meant was that I would
keep feeding until the bees stop taking the syrup and switch to a
natural nectar flow. Sorry if I were unclear.
>>If you have not bought and read a GOOD BOOK like The Beekeepers
Handbook, 3rd Edition dated April 98, by Dr. Diana Sammataro, cost $30,
you SHOULD, and that will yield better information than you can get
I have read the second edition of that book and found it very
enlightening. The other one that I liked was Richard Bonney's Practical
Guide to Beekeeping. Very well written.
I was in my local public library the other day and saw the 98 edition of
Dr. Sammataro's The Beekeeper's Handbook. I will definitively read it.
The updated version may even have some input on plastic frames. My
experience has been that there has not been a lot published on plastic
Thank you for all the good advice.
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