Health care as delivered in the US is a billion dollar industry. The markup
on chemotherapy drugs is near 400% or better. The doctors through the AMA
lobby congress with many millions of dollars to keep doctors in short supply
so as not to lessen fees. The drug companies do likewise with an even greater
supply of funds.
In fact drug companies get a tax credit for research and many pay less in
income taxes than the average citizen yet sell the drugs at a higher price in
the US than in Mexico or Canada. Our senior citizens charter buses to fill
prescriptions across the border so they can take their medicines and still
I believe to practice apitherapy you have to make yourself judgment proof
as well.
Didn't Mraz put everything he owned in his daughters name for just that
reason and give his apitherapy for free?
Look at all the difficulty in just getting an acaricide approved to treat
bees, now try to get bees approved to treat humans. Wait until the PETA folks
get wind of this, each sting is a bee's death.