Hello Rob & All,
I did quite a few posts about Varroa and fluvalinate resistant mites about a
year ago. If you keep searching the archives Rob you should find the
information you are looking for. At the very least you can run a search with
my name but expect to get a list of almost 300 posts I have posted since I
joined Bee-L a little over a year ago. Short thru the subjects for
fluvalinate resistant varroa. The sun hasn't came up yet in Missouri and I
am headed to the bee yards. Will be in the yards the next three days. Maybe
Allen or Aaron can give search pointers for the list. I am posting this post
to the list instead of to you direct Rob in case other Bee-L people are
having trouble finding information on fluvalinate resistant mites. Many
times the subject of the post is not a indicator of the content as we seem
to wander a bit but not as much as the other lists I belong to.