These posts regarding raw honey used for wound healing make me want to use
it the next time I have a need for myself or someone I care about. I've
forwarded most of these posts to my son who's in medical school so that he
can at least be aware of it, even if they don't teach it to him in school.
One of my friends who I forwarded one of these posts to responded with an
interesting story about Alexander the Great that I had not heard before and
I thought was worth sending out:
"This reminds me of the story of
Alexander the Great. He died about
332BC in the Mesopotamian region of
Babylon. However one of his generals
wanted him buried in Alexandria Egypt.
They shipped his body in honey and it
arrived months later in nice shape.
Sweet little story.
I don't know how verifiable this story is, but it's another piece of
interesting information on the subject of possible uses of honey.
Layne Westover
College Station, Texas, U.S.A.