If you want to see misinformation of the highest order, go to:
The Guardian is one of the UK's most respected liberal broadsheet
newspapers - and I write for it occasionally so it's not at all bad : ) -
but in this article the journalists involved have totally misinterpreted
the research, as anyone reading Lactnet will guess. The babies who were
studied were divided into three groups - formula fed, formula fed with
formula which included LCPUFAs, and (surprise surprise) breastfed. You will
not be amazed to learn that the top group of babies were the breastfed
ones. The 'plain powdered milk' cited in the newspaper was not a part of
the research - no one has used this for babies for at least a generation.
Of course I have responded. UK Lactnetters (and anyone else, of course)
might want to do the same.
Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc Newcastle upon Tyne UK