A pediatrician friend of mine told me he has worked up 3 babies in the last
few months due to low grade temps (100.6 rectally) Babies were all approx 5
days old and were all BF babies who had lost about 1 pound since birth. Babies
were all full term normal healthy newborns. After being worked up, these
babies were all fine and probably just slightly dehydrated. Since we all know
a fever in a newborn can be potentially very serious it cannot be ignored.
Does anyone out there have any experience with low grade temps in the first
week when BF may not be going well yet? How many babies are going through
tests and unneccessary procedures? This Pedi friend of mine is a highly
respected Doc in the Chicago suburbs and would appreciate any information or
experience you might have.
Gail Macklin RN
Breastfeeding Center