I would like to pay tribute, publically, to the work of Nancy Mohrbacher,
IBCLC, and also Julie Stock, BA, IBCLC, who are the authors of The
Breastfeeding Answer Book, published by LLLI.
I have mistakenly referred to this book solely by its title, as if it were
mysteriously penned by some anonymous breastfeeding genius. In actuality,
this book is the product of years of hard work by Julie Stock and by Nancy
Mohrbacher, and is available now to those who wish to use it to help mothers
and babies breastfeed. I encourage everyone to get a copy of this wonderful
and thorough book, and I take off my hat (bra? nah, I'd better not. : ) )
to these wonderful women who have contributed so much to the mothers and
babies all over the world, and who remain gracious at the same time...an art
in itself.
We should refer to these authors as we do to other authors of wonderful bf
resource materials, and remember that there are real people behind all of
these efforts. iam going to remember this when referring to this book in the
In appreciation, Kathleen
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet,TLC, Indep. Consultant
LACTNET Archives http://library.ummed.edu/lsv/archives/lactnet.html
MAYA'S Pages..please look.. http://www.prairienet.org/~sak/maya.html