kathleen "stole" my favorite:
To "how long are you going to do that?"
With a surprised, hadn't thought about it much look on the face, "ooh
probably not more than five minutes, why did you need something?"
To the ever lovely, "you shouldn't do that here" "that's gross" etc comment
from the average stranger at the park/restaurant, etc
"why are *you* looking at *my* breasts?"
To, "do you have to do *that* here?"
In a truly upbeat and happy about it tone, "No, that's the beauty of
breastfeeding, I can do it anywhere, anytime, it's convenient and easy!"
When my ever frugal, yankee mother told/asked me one day on the phone, "when
are you going to start giving him milk, he's old enough now..."
I replied, "Mom, why on earth should I buy something made for cow babies
when I can make something a million times better for him, myself, for
free?!" (worked for her.. cheaper and better!)
For other relatives/friends who ask the same, "I do give him *milk*" and for
the rare dense one that doesn't *get it* I ad, after a pause, "my milk"
Although my best, all purpose answer remains as it was when I was four and
ever shall be,
WHY? and it's corallary, WHY NOT?
And then when a HCP gives me some line of hooey about feeding my kid this
way or not, it works very well, bc most often they don't have the foggiest
idea why or why not they have just mandated what they have mandated... if
they try to explain, hit em with the old, "I'll be happy to consider the
pro's and con's of your suggestion if you could provide me with the
references and medical data that support your idea." or, "well, that's very
interesting, I'll have to get a second opinion about that"
Anne, who so loves to make witty(and/or pointed) comebacks, a relative once
gave her a book entitled, "The Uncommon Scold" full of same by famous and
infamous folks....
Anne E. Robb, MAT,
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