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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Dec 1996 23:37:46 +0000
text/plain (45 lines)
>I agree with Cindy that breastfeeding advice should not be offered over the
>Internet, at least, not unless it is impossible to refer to someone local
>who can help

I totally agree with you, but what do you do if there is no local help
or if the "local help" was unable to help?

I have currently three emails from women who have come to the end of the
road as far as all local help. All three are in imminent danger of
weaning through lack of any further help. I feel I have done all I can
as a non-professional person who is just "well read" (I tell them this -
they are under no illusions about my qualifications). All three are
committed to breastfeeding and are currently enduring pain and distress
in a vain attempt to breastfeed.

What do people suggest I do? What do they suggest these poor women do?
They email me because everyone else is either too expensive, or not
available, or has no idea how to solve the problem. They are desperate
(and believe me, you've got to be desperate to email a total stranger,
who freely admits she is no LC, on the off-chance she knows the answer).
People tell me not to try and help, but they are many ways of helping -
all I do is try to point people to sources of help or info, quote
literature at them, share any relevent personal experiences and
encourage them to seek proper help from a qualified LC or LLL leader
(and encourage them not to worry about any reservations re LLL
philosophy which seems to be a common stumbling block) In fact, I do
just as I would do if any friend told me that had such a problem.

I care passionately that women should be enabled to breastfeed. I feel
personally upset when I read of yet another woman has given up due to
apparently unsolvable problems, especially when I know she has not had
the help she needed. I am sometimes criticised for trying to help over
the Net, and yet my critics are not prepared to help these women
themselves. Even if their problems are insoluable, at the very least
they need someone to tell them that so they don't give up in pain and
distress, wondering if there isn't just one more thing they could have
tried. Maybe because I am breastfeeding my 2 mo as I type, I empathize
just a little too much.
Anna (mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995 and Alice, born 11th Sept 1996)
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