This is purely anectodtal- my fourth baby weighed 9lb 15 oz at birth and
weighed 21 lb at htree months. He certainly would have fit into the
catagory of "obese" baby except that my doctor (a LLL medical associate) new
better than to mess with mother nature. This chils is now 9 years old and
is still "off the charts" at 96lb- 4'7". Yes he is a heavy wieght.
However, my brother was also a "big kid" (also breastfed) and my mother had
to special order "chubby" sized boy scout uniforms for him. My brother is
now a big gy- 6'4" and not at all over weight. This is just what is normal
for him.
Would the doctor who is recommending that this chubby breastfed baby be put
on a diet if it as a bottle fed baby with the same statistics? A question
the mother may wish to ask. NAncy Sherwood LLLL, IBCLC- Perth, Australia