Forwarded from Prenatal list, is a really interesting question:
>My question for the day is, does anybody know anything about postpartum
>management of moms with Turner's Syndrome? I have a patient who is a
>Turner's Mosaic, pregnant via in vitro with a donor egg. She had her
>puberty and menses managed with exogenous hormones, had to take
>progesterone to maintain early pregnancy. Now she and I both have
>questions about what's going to happen post-partum. I did a lit search,
>and found only 10 articles in the last thirty years, with none
>specifically addressing post-partum hormone management. There was
>absolutely nothing on lactation in Turner's syndrome. She would also
>like to maintain her uterus in a state that will allow her to have
>another child in the next year or two. The endocrinologist that followed
>her in childhood has suggested to the family that early estrogen therapy
>will be important in allowing her to get pregnant again.
>So, what is going to happen postpartum? Is she going to need any hormone
>therapy? Will she be able to lactate? Will she need exogenous hormones
>in order to lactate? If so, will this treatment interfere with
>treatments to help her get pregnant again later? Any ideas, anybody?
>I turfed this to the lactation consultant, and she is going to check it
>out on the lacation on-line discussion group.
>Also, no surprise, she is 34 weeks and pre-eclamptic, and we're looking
>at delivery in a week, so if somebody could point me in the direction of
>some information before then, it would be much appreciated.
>Also, writing this note about a specific patient has made me wonder what
>the on-line etiquette about maintaining confidentiality is. I have tried
>to avoid using identifying information here. Any information on this issue
>would also be appreciated.
>Kristen D. Priddy, RNC, MSN
Arly Helm [log in to unmask]
MS, Nutrition & Food Science, CLE, IBCLC