Hello everyone!
This question is really about Dr. Hale's book so if anyone else knows
the answer let me know otherwise I'd like to hear from you Dr. Hale.
In your "Red Book" there's a growth chart near the end. Is this chart
exclusively for breastfed babies? (Sorry if this is a silly question)My
daughter is 2 1/2 and just hit 20 lbs. She weighed 3lbs. 8 1/4 ozs. at
birth. She was totally breastfed for 12 months because of her strong
tongue thrust(She has Cerebral Palsy-no problems nursing) Her doctor
has us come in every month for a weight check. I guess my question is
is her weight ok. She's healthy otherwise, happy, eats more than her
5yr. old sister. (just a quick note-she clipped her own frenulum at
about 12 mos.)
Thanks for any info or clarifications.
Julie Miller, BC [log in to unmask]