The reference you are thinking of is:
Fredrickson D, Sorenson J, Biddle A, Kotelchuck M 1993 Relationship of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome to Breast-feeding duration and intensity.
Am J Diseases of Children 147(May):460
The study used the National Maternal and Infant health survey which used a consistent
definition of breastfeeding and control for major confounders.
This study showed that the risk of SIDS increased by approx 1.19 for every month of not
breastfeeding and 2.13 for every month of not exclusively breastfeeding. These
associations remained even when deaths within the first month of life were excluded.
The study has only been reported in abstract form in the AJDC, and in more detail in
Stuart-Macadam and Dettwyler's book Breastfeeding, Biocultural Perspectives, in which
Fredrickson writes a commentary chapter.
Hope this helps
Fiona Coombes
Perth Western Australia