I just wanted to share with you all a letter I sent to the
publishers of "Bottlefedding Wothout Guilt." If you interested,
the WWW site is http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/badler.
I hope I didn't get carried away!
>I read excerts from your book and look forward to reading it in
>its entirety. I am a big advocate of breastfeeding, so naturally
>I was curious as to what you had to say about bottle feeding. I
>never make anyone feel guilty about their choice of infant
>feeding. If a person feels guilty, it is due to an internal
>mechanism that they themselves trigger. I always tell everyone
>that breastfeeding is BEST and I review the benefits and
>disadvatages of both. It is a fact that bottle fed babies are
>more likely to suffer from certain illnesses than breastfed
>babies. I tell everyone this just like I would say, "If you
>in your house, your children are more likely to develop certain
>illnesses and problems." Smoking can be hazardous to an infant's
>health, and so can bottle feeding. I would never feel bad for
>telling a mom this. If she understands the circumstances, and
>chooses to bottlefeed, and feels guilty, then there is a reason
>(NOT because I told her it could be dangerous to her infant's
>health). It is a choice she makes (just like when a smoker
>decides that he/she will smoke in the house). It is regrettful
>that some people are not as tactful as they should be (in re:
>quotes you include that were said to moms who bottle fed), but
>again, the guilt is internal, not exuded by the speaker.
> You also mention that bottle feeding moms are barraged by
>messages telling them that Breast is Best. Again, this is a
>medical FACT. I will admit that there are circumstances were
>breastfeeding is a definate disadvantage (i.e HIV+), but for the
>vast majority of infants, Breast is Best. You also comment on
>Breast is Best Labels. Again, I will liken this to smoking. The
>label is there for a legitimate reason.
> You also mention that society has accepted breastfeeding as
>the norm. Regretfully, this is NOT the case. We live in a
>feeding culture, and it is breastfeeding moms who often lack
>advice on feeding. I wish your statement was true!! I would
>breastfeeding to be the norm!
> I regret that there may be a mom out there who is considering
>breastfeeding, but finds your book and decides that she will not.
>I hope the next book will not be "Smoking Around Your Children
>Without Guilt."
>Most sincerely,
>Jeffrey S. Fouche, RN, BSN
>Assistant Director of Maternal/Child Services
>Breastfeeding Educator
>Barrow Medical Center
>Winder, GA
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>Web Page: http://members.gnn.com/jsfouche/breastfeeding.html
>Higher intelligence begins with breastfeeding!
Jeffrey S. Fouche, RN, BSN
Assistant Director of Maternal/Child Services
Breastfeeding Educator
Barrow Medical Center
Winder, GA
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Web Page: http://members.gnn.com/jsfouche/breastfeeding.html
Higher intelligence begins with breastfeeding!