I just heard of a new book (copyright 1996!) called BOTTLE FEEDING WITHOUT
GUILT. It sounds like it will really hamper our efforts at getting mothers
to breastfeed. The woman who saw it said it spent a lot of pages stressing
the common-ness of insufficient milk syndrome and a great deal of ink on
bashing La Leche League (saying it is a cult with all the "symptoms" of
such). Even for those of you who don't like LLL it is a scary thought to
have a pro- breastfeeding organization run into the ground!
Has anyone actually read this book?
Can Kathy Dettwyler or Tom Hale write a scathing review and mail it to all
national news media? (Just kidding, guys.)
I hope the woman who saw the book was exaggerrating.
Sue Ann Kendall, many degrees, LLL Leader, etc.