Dear Lactnetters,
What a great group! Thanks to everyone that responded, and so quickly! A
special thanks to Margaret Radcliffe who responded with personal experience
and many of the "checkpoints" that gave me the confidence that we were on the
right track.
Baby is now 2 1/2 wks and still no latch. He is well over birth weight and
being finger fed w/SNS (EBM only!). SNS at breast just got baby, and mom,
upset & frustrated. Suggested we get comfortable with finger feeding, then
try SNS back at breast, etc.Mom also has electric pump now (was using
manual!). She tries 2-3x/day to latch, but only very casually, when trying
to get in some skin-to-skin contact time. She's still very leaky, so always
has brmilk on nipple to "lure" baby if he happens to be interested. Mom was
very interested in rebirthing/bathing and will try now (with Dad's help)
since cord has fallen off. Mom was impressed that Lactnet was available and
told me to thank everyone that responded. She was reassured to know that
many other babies are no-latch for awhile, and is being patient that hers
too, will come around.
Mom is still very motivated (I am used to dealing with WIC participants, so
this is very reassuring to see). She said that she was so thankful that she
had a good, healthy baby, and that if THIS was the only problem, well, no big
deal! I have also been very pleased that the Ped has gone along with all of
this, without rec. ABM supplement! (His best friend was a local formula rep,
but just retired!).
Thanks again for all the support!
Sandy Arnold, IBCLC
Bloomington, IN